Support the RJD

Individual and corporate donations account for a substantial amount of the Museum’s income which we apply conscientiously to our mission based efforts in preservation, community vibrancy, and educational programming.  

Annual Appeal

The Annual Appeal is the Museum’s single most important income stream, accounting for 35% of the RJD’s operating income for the year. Funds underwrite the Museum’s basic operating costs such as heat, water, electricity, building insurance, maintenance, security and the staff who make it all happen. The historic structure and grounds are in constant need of attention and these day-to-day operations must be funded before we can open our doors to the public. Donors to the Annual Appeal are the bedrock of our support, helping us to leverage other public and private dollars to our cause. A donation to Annual Appeal solidifies the foundation upon which we build our connection to the community and our engagement with our visitors annually.

Pathways Campaign
The RJD mansion and gardens serve as spaces for a variety of activities. The ambiance of the gardens provides a unique setting for summer concerts and theater, educational programs, garden tours, family activities, weddings, business meetings and social events. The mansion is host to public exhibitions, guided tours, teas, educational programming, chamber music concerts, museum visitation, and private use by groups and individuals. We run over 70 programs a year, offer college internships, and work with between 15 and 20 partner organizations to present those programs. Overall attendance has seen an increase and the site accommodated over 8300 visitors in 2023.  The RJD is open year-round, we offer free admission through several programs, and about 75% of our programming is offered free of charge.

The Pathways Campaign will:

  • Engage a new community, reflecting diversity in race, culture, age, and economic and social backgrounds, with The RJD’s historic house and gardens.
  • Grow the capacity of the RJD’s endowment so that the annual draw supports 21st century costs of doing business.
  • Invest in our human resources, endowing staff who care for our core collections.

In 2025, the Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum celebrates its 40th anniversary. As we approach this milestone, we ask you to reflect on all that The RJD brings to New Bedford and support it with your Pathways Campaign Gift. Learn more.

General Gifts

Your tax- deductible donation will help preserve one of the nation’s finest Greek Revival mansions and its historic grounds and gardens. It will support programming, exhibitions and the acquisition of appropriate period collections. Your gift also benefits area students participating in our school field trips. With community support, the Museum offers these educational programs free of charge to hundreds of students annually, as the schools are unable to underwrite any of the associated fees or costs.

Buy A Bud

A donation of $125 covers the yearly cost of care and feeding for one of the 350 rose bushes in the parterre garden. Your gift helps pay for mulching, watering, fertilization, and pruning for the season.


Businesses and individuals may support the Museum through sponsorship of our special events. Both receive recognition on Museum marketing and at the event itself. Event sponsorship opportunities for 2024 include “Mystery at the Mansion”, on October 18, 2024.  Sponsorship details are released about 8 weeks prior to the event.  Your sponsorship of events supports the Museum’s educational, community outreach and preservation efforts. Contact Hillary Fortin for details on Sponsorship or download the Mystery at the Mansion Sponsorship Packet.

Make A Donation Online

Read what donors are saying about why they support the RJD:

“I donate to the RJD to support the continued programming and access to the history of the house and this city, but also to support the museum’s mission to connect through active outreach to the new history being created by the energy and creativity of the people here today, that will redefine its greatness again.”
~Alanna Jaworski, RJD Trustee

“I remember taking a field trip to the Rotch-Jones-Duff House. This visit lit a spark of interest that would lead me back to the RJD repeatedly throughout the years. Now that I have a family, we have decided to become museum members. My children explore the rose garden in summer. We come back in the fall to see the grounds lit up with jack-o-lanterns. The house is never more magnificent than in the winter, dressed for Christmas. The RJD was there for me when I first began to discover the magic in this city and it was there for me and my young family before, and during, the Pandemic. I may not always have the means to give, but while I do, I will choose to spend money on a real diamond in our local community.” ~Kayla Conner

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The Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum
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